EN101: Composition I

Welcome to Comp 101, for many of you your very first class here at Marymount. Composition I introduces students to the research, writing, and oral communication skills necessary to succeed in college. As the subject of their reading, writing, and research, students will focus on American society and culture; in this class, we will further narrow our topic to the analysis of still images--advertisements, photographs, and so on--culminating in a research project dealing with the Pulitzer Prize-winning photographs in the Newseum (Washington, DC).


My Classroom Policies | Required Texts | Schedule | Project Assignments | Hacker Online Exercises | Newseum Visit | Individual Conferences | Final Presentations | Extra Credit: Magnificat | Technology



Need more help with your writing, or tutoring in any of your classes? Contact the Learning Resource Center by email (lrc@marymount.edu) or phone (703-284-1538).


Want to learn a bit more about war photography? Check out this episode of In Harm's Way, hosted at Hulu.com.