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Page history last edited by Tonya Howe 9 years, 2 months ago

Welcome Dr. Howe's Course Pages!


"I serve myself best, as reader, when I both honor an author's offering for what it is, in its full 'otherness' from me, and take an active critical stance against what seem to me its errors or excesses. We are pursuing here an ethics of self-culture in narrative, an ethics that entails both surrender and refusal. [...] To me the most important of all critical tasks is to participate in--and thus to reinforce--a critical culture, a vigorous conversation. [...] [L]earning to talk well about such matters is both the best defense against censorship programs and the best encouragement to artists to meet us at the highest possible ethical level[.]"


--Wayne C. Booth, The Company We Keep


Is this your first college class? Are you a first-generation college student? You might find this (in-progress) crash-course on the college experience helpful


Fall 2015

*note: these courses will be piloted with Canvas
EN101: Composition I, Technologies of Being
EN340: Major Women Writers (Before Austen)

EN426: Studies in the Novel (Digital Approaches to Clarissa)

EN424: Senior Seminar (Ethics, Literature, and Critical Response) 


Summer 2015

EN580: Independent Study, Pope/Swift/Montagu


Spring 2015

*note: courses for SP15 were conducted using Blackboard, exclusively.

EN101: Composition I, Technologies of Being

EN201: World Literature, 1500-1800
EN490: Major Authors, Pope and Montagu


Fall 2014: On Sabbatical


Spring 2014

EN340B: Major Women Writers (Women Writers of the 18th Century)

EN207: Theater History (Early Theater in Context)

EN502: Engaging Critical Theory (Tutorial)


Fall 2013

*note: courses for FA13 were piloted using Blackboard, exclusively. 

EN429: Studies in Performance

EN529: Studies in Performance

EN240: Introduction to Visual and Cultural Studies

HON400: Thesis Tutorial


Spring 2013

EN290: Literary Theory and Practice

EN502: Engaging Critical Theory

EN429/HON300: Studies in Performance, Restoration and 18th Century

HON399: Thesis Tutorial


Fall 2012

EN101S: Composition I, Reading Images

EN203B: World Literature, 1500-1800

EN424: Senior Seminar--Crime, Critique, Ethics, Fiction


Spring 2012

Critical Theory Blog Clearinghouse

Google Map: Bishop's Poems

EN290: Literary Theory and Practice

EN502: Transformation of Literary Study (Critical Theory)

Institut Supérieur des Langues de Gabès


Fall 2011

EN203: World Literature, Renaissance through Enlightenment

EN/IS240: Introduction to Visual and Cultural Study

EN490: Major Authors, Patricia Highsmith


Spring 2011

English 207: Theatre History (print syllabus)

English 290: Literary Theory and Practice (print syllabus)

English 502: Critical Theory (print syllabus)

Honors 200: The Curious Eighteenth-Century

Honors 200: British and French Theater, 1600-1800

Honors 200: Post-colonial Theory and Novel


Fall 2010

English 102 Honors: Composition 2: American Silent Cinema of the 1920s (print syllabus)

English/Interdisciplinary Studies 240: Introduction to Visual and Cultural Studies (print syllabus)

English 340: Major Women Writers Before Jane Austen (print syllabus)


Spring 2010

English 102: Composition 2, American Cinema in the 1920s (print syllabus)

English 200: Elements of Literary Study (print syllabus)

English 426: Studies in the Novel (print syllabus)


Fall 2009

English/Humanities 501: Building Textual Interpretation

Discover 101: Anatomy of a Film

English 203: World Literature: Renaissance through Enlightenment


Spring 2009

English 102: Composition 2

English 203: World Literature, Renaissance through Enlightenment

English 318: Theatre History


Fall 2008

English 101: Composition 1

English/Humanities 501: Building Textual Interpretation 

English 200: Elements of Literary Study


Office Hours & Advising

* note: to make an appointment with me, please use Starfish, accessible through Blackboard


Study Habits and General Advice

Graduation Petition

Internship Information


MLA Formatting & Template

Quoting and Close Reading

Grading Standards

Public Display Release Form



MU Commons

Source Use for Multimedia Projects

Archived Student Projects

Interesting Videos


Important Dates (Registrar)






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