Fall 2015
*note: these courses will be piloted with Canvas EN101: Composition I, Technologies of Being EN340: Major Women Writers (Before Austen)
EN426: Studies in the Novel (Digital Approaches to Clarissa)
EN424: Senior Seminar (Ethics, Literature, and Critical Response)
Summer 2015
EN580: Independent Study, Pope/Swift/Montagu
Spring 2015
*note: courses for SP15 were conducted using Blackboard, exclusively.
EN101: Composition I, Technologies of Being
EN201: World Literature, 1500-1800 EN490: Major Authors, Pope and Montagu
Fall 2014: On Sabbatical
Spring 2014
EN340B: Major Women Writers (Women Writers of the 18th Century)
EN207: Theater History (Early Theater in Context)
EN502: Engaging Critical Theory (Tutorial)
Fall 2013
*note: courses for FA13 were piloted using Blackboard, exclusively.
EN429: Studies in Performance
EN529: Studies in Performance
EN240: Introduction to Visual and Cultural Studies
HON400: Thesis Tutorial
Spring 2013
EN290: Literary Theory and Practice
EN502: Engaging Critical Theory
EN429/HON300: Studies in Performance, Restoration and 18th Century
HON399: Thesis Tutorial
Fall 2012
EN101S: Composition I, Reading Images
EN203B: World Literature, 1500-1800
EN424: Senior Seminar--Crime, Critique, Ethics, Fiction
Spring 2012
Critical Theory Blog Clearinghouse
Google Map: Bishop's Poems
EN290: Literary Theory and Practice
EN502: Transformation of Literary Study (Critical Theory)
Institut Supérieur des Langues de Gabès
Fall 2011
EN203: World Literature, Renaissance through Enlightenment
EN/IS240: Introduction to Visual and Cultural Study
EN490: Major Authors, Patricia Highsmith
Spring 2011
English 207: Theatre History (print syllabus)
English 290: Literary Theory and Practice (print syllabus)
English 502: Critical Theory (print syllabus)
Honors 200: The Curious Eighteenth-Century
Honors 200: British and French Theater, 1600-1800
Honors 200: Post-colonial Theory and Novel
Fall 2010
English 102 Honors: Composition 2: American Silent Cinema of the 1920s (print syllabus)
English/Interdisciplinary Studies 240: Introduction to Visual and Cultural Studies (print syllabus)
English 340: Major Women Writers Before Jane Austen (print syllabus)
Spring 2010
English 102: Composition 2, American Cinema in the 1920s (print syllabus)
English 200: Elements of Literary Study (print syllabus)
English 426: Studies in the Novel (print syllabus)
Fall 2009
English/Humanities 501: Building Textual Interpretation
Discover 101: Anatomy of a Film
English 203: World Literature: Renaissance through Enlightenment
Spring 2009
English 102: Composition 2
English 203: World Literature, Renaissance through Enlightenment
English 318: Theatre History
Fall 2008
English 101: Composition 1
English/Humanities 501: Building Textual Interpretation
English 200: Elements of Literary Study
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