EN203: World Literature, Renaissance through Enlightenment FA11

EN203: World Literature, Renaissance through Enlightenment

Tuesday, Friday 02:45PM - 04:00PM, Ballston, Room 205

Fall 2011 

Final Exam: Tuesday, December 13

twitter: #en203fa11

see all the tweets from this class: http://twitterfall.com/?trend=%23en203fa11!%231F3547 

me: @howet


Full-class reading of Pope!


Class Policies



Participation 10%

Paraphrases, Summaries, Responses, Quizzes, Encounter Journal  30%                            

Team Presentation  10%

Examinations 25%

Formal Essays (or essay and multimedia project) 25%

Extra Credit—recitation (see me!)         



Note: This schedule is subject to change!